VOL. XI  NO. 16   NEWS & VIEWS, NOTES & QUOTES, TO WARN & INFORM   September 15, 1994

PLANNED PARENTHOOD'S BIG BUCKS FROM ABORTION—Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion factory in America, has launched a $10-million campaign to persuade Congress to pass legislation to give abortion mandatory coverage in any national health reform plan (7/94 AFA Jrnl). It wants to force taxpayers to fund the cost of unrestricted abortions to any female. PP already operates the biggest abortion clinic network in the U.S. Its over 100 clinics perform 132,000 abortions a year. Of its $446 million 1992 budget, $142.3 million came from taxpayer grants ($124 million in 1991).

IS CLINTON A LIBERAL?—The 7/17 Parade answered thusly: "In his heart, William Jefferson Clinton, our 42nd President, is a liberal activist in the New Deal-Great Society tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. Clinton believes that government programs can help cure America's ills through smart social engineering. However, his advisers repeatedly have warned the President that if he strays too far to the left, he risks losing the support of the American public, which is overwhelmingly in the center of the political spectrum. Though personally a liberal activist, Clinton politically is capable of supporting conservative causes when it's pragmatic."

GUNS & BLACK CRIMINALS—The 8/15 Christianity Today said: "In our time gun violence is an almost uniquely American problem, placing the U.S. in a league of its own. In 1990,handguns killed only 22 people in Great Britain, 68 in Canada, and 87 in Japan; in the U.S., 10,567." In the 5/16 National Review, author Jared Taylor says statistics, which create the impression that Americans are more violent than Europeans are excessively skewed by the extremely high rates of violent crimes committed by black Americans ("eight times as high as whites for murder and more than ten times for robbery"). The 7/25 New American cites 1992 FBI figures showing a U.S. murder rate of 9.3, and a robbery rate of 263, per 100,000 population. But the murder rate for U.S. whites was 5.1 per 100,000, while for American blacks it was 43.4 (robbery: 126 vs.1,343). Taylor concludes that "gun-control advocates propose to disarm all Americans because of violent crimes committed by blacks" and that America "has a high rate of violent crime because it has a large number of violent black criminals." U.S. News quotes a sad statistic that should concern us ALL: "...23 per cent of all black men ages 20 to 29 are either in jail, on probation or parole or awaiting trial".

U.S. TROOPS UNDER U.N. COMMAND?—President Clinton last spring signed a secret order asserting his authority "to place U.S. forces under the operational control of a foreign commander."(6/19 Wash. Times). A "Combat Arms Survey" administered to Marines at the Twentynine Palms Marine base (CA) asked Marines who had participated in the Panama invasion, Gulf War, or UN action in Somalia if they would be willing to swear allegiance to the UN and fire on Americans who resist federal gun confiscation (8/22 New Amer). Two pertinent quotes from Dr. Dennis Cuddy's new 52-page booklet on the New World Order (Plymouth Rock Foundation, 1-800-210-1620, $2.95 + postage): "[W]e have been and are being internationalized into a New World Order." "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened."

TBN'S 'UNHOLY' HOLY LAND TV STATION—Paul Crouch is pictured on the front page of his 8/94 paper shaking hands with terrorist Yasir Arafat. Crouch heads the Trinity Broadcasting Network and wants to open a "peacemaking TV station for the Middle East". He says: "It would be a station dedicated to Peace with equal and free time given to the Jews, the Arabs, and the Christians. There would be educational, cultural, entertainment and religious programming, reflecting the diverse ethnic and religious life of the region. There would be a firm agreement that there would be no proselytizing..." So, Christians cannot evangelize, and Jews and Arabs would be given equal time for their Christ-rejecting religious propaganda. Many evangelicals (e.g., Jack Van Impe) have programs on U.S. TBN stations, and are often pictured and praised in Crouch's charismatic paper.

GOVERNMENT EDUCATION A DISASTER—America's education system is in shambles. More money will not save it. Education spending accounted for 29 percent of the combined state and local government expenditures in the 1991 fiscal year (8/8 New Amer). It was by far the largest area of spending, at $309 billion (welfare $130 billion, health care $81 billion). Yet, thousands of public schools are virtual prisons, with metal detectors, police, etc. A militant campaign to de-Christianize public schools has converted them almost totally into temples of humanism and New Age paganism. Condoms are now distributed, homosexuality is presented as a natural/preferable lifestyle, school-based clinics promote abortion--and outcome-based education (OBE) is the proffered cure-all.

GET DR. MORITZ'S NEW BOOK ON SEPARATION!—Dr. Fred Moritz is the Executive Director of Baptist World Mission. He has a new 134-page book, "Be Ye Holy": The Call to Christian Separation, published by Bob Jones University Press. He shows that God's holiness is the basis of separation, and that separation and evangelism are permanently wedded in Scripture. Though written before the Secondary Separation articles in Dr. Tim Lee's 8/94 Target, Chapter 4 of this book ("Separation From a Christian Brother") refutes the feelings-based arguments and unscriptural conclusion of those articles. The book makes a devastatingly strong case against new-evangelicalism and Ockenga's repudiation of separation. You may order this $8.95 book directly from Dr. Moritz for $6 + $1 postage: BWM, 811 Second Ave., S.E. Decatur, Ala. 35601.

WENIGER ON FUNDAMENTALISM—Maranatha Baptist Bible College President Dr. Arno Q. Weniger,Jr. in a Summer 1994 Frontline (FBF) article entitled "Things That Are Right About Fundamentalism" said we fundamentalists ought to rejoice in our separation, not react against it. But he said: "Among Baptists you cannot be a fundamentalist without believing and battling for the literal exposition of the Word of God." He added: "While fundamentalists sometimes take a hit for being feisty and pugilistic, let us not forget that the Bible exhorts us to 'earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.' At the beginning of that verse, Jude confessed he wanted to write about the 'common salvation' but that he needed to exhort the believers to contend for the faith."

DAVID JEREMIAH'S NEW-EVANGELICAL TILT—Popular author and Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah was listed in the 1992 Billy Graham Training Center ("The Cove") Program Schedule as a speaker along with an assortment of ecumenicals (2/15/ 92 CC). In his new book, Turning Toward Integrity: "...[H]e quotes the Living Bible (without acknowledging that it is only a paraphrase), and honors liberal/neo-orthodox men like William Barclay (a favorite, seemingly) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer." (8/94 Target). Jeremiah is a product of the GARBC, his father is Chancellor of Cedarville College, and he(David) was a 2/92 Moody Bible Institute Founder's Week speaker.

IBFNA RESOLUTION ON CATHOLIC-EVANGELICAL PACT—"WHEREAS ecumenicism continues to be advanced by both the National and World Council of Churches, causing Baptists and Protestants to be drawn into the Roman Catholic fold; and WHEREAS Evangelicalism and Neo-Evangelicalism increasingly undermine the authority and trustworthiness of Scripture and its mandate to separate from compromising brethren [and] apostates; and WHEREAS representatives of the NAE, the So. Bapt. Convention, Campus Crusade, Christian Coalition and Int'l Prison Fellowship, including Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, John White (NAE), Richard Land (SBC), [and] Roman Catholic reps such as Archbishop Francis Stafford, Bishop Carlos Sevilla, and Fr. Richard Neuhaus have signed Evangelicals and Catholics Together...,whereby all parties acknowledge each other as Christians and agree not to proselytize from each other's congregations. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that we, the members of the Independent Baptist Fellowship of No. America [Merrillville, IN, June 21-23] do hereby denounce this pact & the Ecumenicism it represents as an unholy alliance clearly condemned by the Word of God.[W]e condemn any endorsement of the R. Catholic Church as Christian, either in doctrine or practice..."

JOYFUL WOMAN COZY WITH ECUMENICALS—The Joyful Woman for May/June pictured self-esteem promoter Dr. James Dobson and his wife Shirley on the front cover. Dobson has a long record of collaboration with Roman Catholics. His wife heads the ecumenical National Day of Prayer, promoted in this issue of JW. Popular author and speaker Elisabeth Elliot is the keynote speaker for the Oct. 13-15 National Joyful Woman Jubilee at the Highland Park Baptist Church (Tenn. Temple) in Chattanooga. HPBC Pastor Dr. David Bouler is also a speaker. Ecumenical Howard Hendricks (linked with Dallas Seminary and Campus Crusade) was a recent-year JW speaker. Some Elliot ecumenical associations were listed in the 10/1/89 CC. Included were speaking engagements at liberal, new evangelical and charismatic churches. It is sad that JW leaders seem oblivious to new evangelicalism's danger.

AWANA COMPROMISE—AWANA Clubs are active in over 1,300 churches in 74 countries around the world. A special program honored AWANA Clubs President Art Rorheim last year (2/94 BB). The featured speaker was John Ankerberg (So. Baptist). Special guests included George Sweeting (MBI Chancellor), Jack Wyrtzen (Word of Life), and Dave Breese. All of these men closely associate with new evangelicals. Now, just last month we received a letter from ACCC V-P Rev. Mark Franklin, along with eight pages of correspondence he has had with AWANA officials concerning their chartering of churches (American Baptist) affiliated with the National Council of Churches. This violates AWANA's written doctrinal/policy statement. AWANA has also chartered Southern Baptist churches. Pastor Franklin is also president of the Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches. We assume his "AWANA & the ABC" correspondence packet is available to CC readers, but would suggest sending $1 for postage/copying to him at: Hardingville Bible Church, Box 300 RD 1, Hardingville, NJ 08343.

HOVIND A FUNDAMENTALIST?—Dr. Kent Hovind's 1993-4 "Creation Science Evangelism" itinerary shows him speaking on many fundamentalist platforms, but it also has him speaking at: over a half-dozen Southern Baptist churches, new evangelical organizations, a charismatic church, a Vineyard Christian Fellowship church, a Christian Coalition group, and a United Methodist Church. Fundamentalists may want to investigate this further before rescheduling Dr. Hovind.

GRAHAM USES ROCK TO REACH YOUTH—The fourth night of Billy Graham's June Cleveland crusade was a first-ever "Youth Special." (7/18 Chr. Today). Over 65,000 young people jammed the stadium to hear a concert by "Christian" rockers DC Talk and Michael W. Smith, and a message by Graham. DC Talk is the band of former Liberty University students who mix hip-hop and gospel. An unusual alliance featured Catholic and Protestant churches and secular rock stations (two were co-sponsors). Crusade promotion included spots on MTV and the Fox-TV station.

NEW COMPUTER ENCYCLOPEDIA—Culminating a 15-year effort, Rev. David Cloud has just completed a "Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible and Christianity." A first of its kind, based on the KJV, and written from a fundamental Baptist perspective. Cost is $50. Bro. Cloud, who edits "O Timothy", has other literature. His new computer Bulletin Board System has our CC articles plus much more information available on men and movements of our day. Write: Way of Life Literature, 1219 N. Harns Road, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

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