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VOL. XIII  NO. 24  NEWS & VIEWS, NOTES & QUOTES, TO WARN & INFORM   December 15, 1996

NEW HOMOPHOBIA: SCHOOLS FEAR LAWSUITS—Schools are the latest focal point in homosexuals' war to legitimize their lifestyle (11/16 World). Education Week admits: "Public schools are (becoming) a battleground for gay-rights issues." Many are in turmoil over teachers "coming out." Lesbian activist Donna Redwing says: "We're here, we're queer, we're in the classroom."

PK & MORMONS—While claiming to preach a non-doctrinal gospel at its rallies, Promise Keepers has found acceptance among some Mormon leaders. The Mormon Church has no official position on PK, but some leaders have been involved with and praised the movement (6/95 Psycho-Heresy Awareness Ltr.). We had not seen anything recently on Mormons and PK, until the 10/96 issue of PK's New Man magazine. It had an article by Craig Branch warning against Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and New Age cults--but not a word against the Catholicism cult!

MUSLIM & NAE HEAD ADDRESS NCC—The liberal National Council of Churches extended its search for common ground among U.S. religions bodies with two symbolic firsts at its meeting in Chicago last month. Scheduled speakers included Don Argue, president of the National Association of Evangelicals and Warith Deen Mohammed, leader of Al-Islam, the largest orthodox African-American Muslim organization in the U.S. (11/18 Chr.News). NCC head Rev. Joan Brown Campbell said of Cardinal Bernardin(11/16 HT): "He was our longtime friend, counselor and partner on the journey of Christian Unity." Argue and Campbell have made reconciliation and the search for common ground among fractured religious communities main themes of their tenures. Such unholy alliances are unscriptural (Eph. 5:11).

DR. LAURA—Over 15 million people worldwide tune in to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and over 75,000 call in weekly. Debbie Dewart in a summary critique (11-12/96 Psycho-H. Awareness Ltr) says Dr. Laura has a strong belief in evolution; her radio advice is an imposition of her own personal moral code, not God's standards, which is why her tone is often harsh and arrogant.

ROME AND THE BIBLE—A new book by that name, by O Timothy Editor David Cloud, traces the history of the Catholic Church and its persecution of the Bible and of Bible believers. It covers the RC Inquisition, and history of the English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian Bibles, and more. It has 200 big 8.5x11 pages, 60 illustrations. Introductory price is $18.95 (postpaid). It and other items are available from: Way of Life Literature, 1219 Harns Rd., Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

PAT BOONE MIXES METAL MUSIC WITH PRAYER—Pat Boone says he is being guided by certain Scriptures in releasing a new album of heavy metal rock music. Several metal musicians support Boone in this project. Ronnie James Dio, whose album art is "known for its horrific beastlike images, sat with Boone during the recording of Dio's tribute to Christ...." (11/96 Charisma). A Jeff Godwin book identifies Dio as a "Satan Rocker," and pictures him flashing the devil's salute sign. Boone is an elder in Jack Hayford's church, has led Holy Land tours (7/15 CC), and is Co-chairman (with Shirley Dobson & Vonette Bright) of the National Day of Prayer.

POPE OPPOSES PROSELYTIZING JEWS—Yechiel Eckstein, President of the Internat'l Fellowship of Christians and Jews, in a new book where 16 writers dialogue and respond to Pope John Paul II's recent book, says: "The Jews, for John Paul, represent the Christians' 'elder brothers in the faith.'" He adds: "For the first time in history, a pontiff is essentially saying that rather than proselytizing Jews, the Church is to witness to them through dialogue...." In the same new book, Yale Prof. Stephen Carter says: "I have the impression that the Pope's view is that respect for Jews, whom he calls our elders of the faith, means refraining from any effort to convert them." Carter goes on to say that Islam is a worship of the same God as our God of Christianity, but it definitely is not!

STATE STATUTES AGAINST ABORTION—Ten states now have informed consent laws, 17 with parental notice requirements, and 21 require the consent of at least one parent. (11/23 World). Mississippi, which requires two-parent consent for minors as well as a 24-hour waiting period and informed consent, is showing positive results. Its abortion rate went from 8,184 in 1991 to 7,555 in 1992 to 6,002 in 1993. By 1995, the number of abortions had dropped to 3,563.

CWA SAYS 'NO FUNDS FROM COORS'—Concerned Women for America's chief financial officer Lee K. LaHaye says CWA has never received funds from Coors Brewing Co., and has not been silent on alcohol-related issues. Our 9/15 CC article, based largely on 10/9/95 AP and 8/17/92 C. Today articles, reported that many pro-family groups such as CWA had accepted "Coors money" [We did not say "Coors Brewing Co. money."] Mr. LaHaye said CWA's donors list includes the name Coors, but that, "to the best of my knowledge," CWA has never received donations from CBC family members nor from the Adolph Coors Foundation.

CC ABBREVIATIONS—Send SASE for free list.

MacARTHUR & IFCA—The Independent Fundamental Churches of America promotes John MacArthur in its Voice magazine, and held its 1990 convention at his church. He has signed the IFCA doctrinal statement that says Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God even though he believes Christ's Sonship began at His incarnation (see 11/15/95 CC). MacArthur speaks on Southern Baptist and other new-evangelical platforms.

SBC'S DAVID RING SPEAKS AT GARBC'S WESTERN—The 11/96 Baptist Bulletin had this note in the Western Baptist College section: "The testimony of David Ring finished the week with a challenge to use whatever God has given us to impact the lives of others." Ring, a Southern Baptist, in recent years has frequently appeared on platforms with Jerry Falwell and Tim Lee, and the 10/94 Charisma listed Ring as a speaker at a charismatic youth retreat (see 10/15/94 CC). GARBC-approved Western has become increasingly cozy with the Conservative Baptist Association (see 3/1/95 CC), in keeping with the overall GARBC's swift drift toward new evangelicalism.

CATHOLIC-CHARISMATIC ECUMENISM—Charismatic Episcopal Church theologian Rev. Mark Pearson says there are signs that Christians across the Protestant-Roman Catholic divide are starting to listen to each other (12/96 Charisma). He asks: "Who would have believed years ago that there would ever be a Roman Catholic charismatic, much less millions of them? Who would have thought that in the "convergence movement" Pentecostal pastors would embrace liturgical worship and a higher view of the sacraments?" He says the assumption of Mary (the RC belief that she was bodily assumed into heaven, perhaps without dying) could have happened, and that Mary could have been a virgin perpetually.

WARNING TO FUNDAMENTALISTS—There is a movement among fundamentalists to redefine fundamentalism in order to accommodate neo-evangelicals and liberals. Their writings are not written for the average believer, but are so worded as to appeal to the so-called intellectuals. This has the appearance of intellectualism. The next step is to compromise truth to gain recognition by neo-evangelicals and liberals. Therefore, it becomes easier to compromise the faith. To aspire to be recognized as an intellectual is missing the mark as a servant of Christ. Scholarship does not grant authority to anyone to compromise or change the fundamentals of the faith. A lack of scholarship does not qualify one to be a fundamentalist, but intellectualism is a curse to the ministry of fundamentalists. [Dr. James B. Williams]

SAY NO TO TOLERATION AND COMPROMISE—"There is a toleration which is treachery. There is a peace which issues in paralysis. There are hours when the Church must say NO to those who should ask communion with her, in the doing of her work, upon the basis of compromise. Such standing aloof may produce ostracism and persecution; but it will maintain power and influence....The reason why men do not look to the Church today is that she has destroyed her own influence by compromise." (G. Campbell Morgan).

MODERN MOVEMENTS—George Zeller has a helpful newly-revised 28-page booklet which surveys/defines about 28 modern trends and positions. He also has a big 35-page paper entitled: "The Charismatic Movement: 35 Doctrinal Issues." Get both for $3.00 postpaid, from: Middletown Bible Church, 349 East St., Middletown, CT 06457.

FALWELL DOUBLESPEAK—Dr. Jerry Falwell continues to cause much confusion on the issue of whether his church is Southern Baptist. It now makes monthly contributions to the state convention, and half of this goes to the SBC; it is in "friendly cooperation" with the SBC; its pastor fraternizes with SBC leaders; and the chairman of its college board is a SB. Falwell and his church meet all the SBC's requirements for "membership," and all that is left is for him at any time to simply declare that he is a Southern Baptist. He claims to be independent and says SB churches have always been independent [this is not so]. Sword of the Lord editor Dr. Shelton Smith has a good analysis of this whole "flap" in the 11/15 Sword and says the Falwell press release has every appearance of doublespeak. Falwell may not be ready to call himself a Southern Baptist just yet, but sadly, he long ago forfeited the right to call himself a separatist, Biblical Fundamentalist.

AUGSBURGER PRAISES POPE—Myron Augsburger, is President Emeritus of Eastern Mennonite University and of the Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities, and is an Advisory Editor of Chr. Today. As one of 16 writers who responded to the Pope's Crossing the Thresholdof Hope book, in a new book, A Reader's Companion to Crossing the Threshold of Hope, he said: "Pope John Paul II...has become a relevant and global prophet. As we face the new paradigms of our global community, his message of hope comes to us all...." He said, "It is the message of Christ that the Pope brings..." He said many Protestants and Catholics in North America believe in an ecumenism of spirit, believing that God's grace is large enough to extend to the church universally through voluntarism and freedom. He added: "There is unity of spirit in our confession of one Lord...." The ecumenical Augsburger was a listed speaker for the Conservative Baptist Association (NAE) at its 1990 Anaheim meeting. (See 5/15/90 CC).

CAMPOLO ON CERTAINTY AND CATHOLICISM—Anthony Campolo, one of 16 writers who respond to Pope John Paul II's Crossing the Threshold of Hope, in a new book, says: "When young people say they are looking for certainty, they do not mean they are simply looking for proof that the doctrinal propositions set forth by the church are true....They want that certainty that comes from a mystical, experiential encounter with the living Lord....that comes only when they can feel God permeating their lives." They want to have the assurance of salvation that comes when they sense that Christ is personally addressing them...." He said "I agree with the Pope's implication that the young cannot be allowed to seek Christ apart from the church." He said "the most important pastor of any church body in the world today [is] the Pope."

ROME'S PERSECUTION OF JEWS—Wilson Ewin has ministered to Catholics for 46 years, and has written books/booklets warning of Rome's role in ecumenism, the new world order, etc. A recent book reveals Jewish evangelism's failure to expose Rome as a deadly cult and fraud it really is, and that Catholicism has persecuted and massacred Jews for the past 1000 years. Write: Ewin Publications, P.O. Box 180, Norton, VT 05907.

McDOWELL IS NEW PRESIDENT OF DENVER—Dr. Edward Hayes is retiring effective June 30 as president of Denver Theological Seminary(CBA). His successor will be Dr. Clyde McDowell, pastor of Mission Hills Church, Littleton, Colo.

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