DISNEY'S 'HUNCHBACK'—A recent SBC resolution criticized the Walt Disney Co. for participation in family-oriented cruises which promote the active use of alcohol and gambling, hosting of homosexual/lesbian theme nights at its parks, and production of questionable material through subsidiary corporations. Disney's latest film/ video release, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, has "bold depictions of torture, sensuality, and lust...clearly inappropriate for children."(7/ 13 World). A Hunchback actor says he won't take his 4-year-old to see it. Amid bad theology and sexual images and text, are overtones of the homosexual agenda. The film is "scary (as devilish figures haunt the bad guy) and sexy (with a gyrating dance)", says the 6/24 USN&WR. It has "plenty of dark moments, including the chief villain singing of his desire for Esmeralda, the voluptuous Gypsy" (6/19 HT). Disney has been perverted by its own perversion--its president says 40% of its employees might be gay.

NEW PRESBYTERIAN MODERATOR SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUALS—The 3 million-member Presbyterian Church (USA) last month elected Rev. John Buchanan as its new moderator. He said, "There is no scriptural reason that homosexual persons should not be ordained." (7/8 Chr.News). The PCUSA is sharply divided over this issue and may decide to ban the ordination of "practicing" homosexuals.

'POLITICALLY CORRECT' HYMNALS—The near frenetic production of new hymnals in mainline Protestant denominations that emphasize pluralism, inclusivism, multiculturalism, and environmentalism is especially evident in the ecumenical New Century Hymnal, endorsed by the United Church of Christ (7/15 C.Today). Very few hymns are addressed to God the Father or Son. God is sometimes blasphemously depicted as bisexual or androgynous--containing both masculine and feminine traits. The Trinity is questioned when we rejoice in "our Father who lifts us when we fall, and our Mother who gives us birth."

DOBSON DEFENDS CHRISTIAN RIGHTS—Dr. James Dobson (6/96 FocusOnTheFam. ltr) said: "When full-term healthy babies can be delivered partially and then brutally murdered with scissors and a suction device, it is our [duty] to fight for their lives. When teens are given immoral advice and condoms paid for with our tax money, we are obligated to object. When 'physician assisted suicide' is legalized by reformist judges accountable to no one, we must seek to overturn their rulings..." Dobson's letter was partially a response to Ed Dobson's 5/20 Chr. Today article where he said we should keep the church out of partisan politics and political action.

FOCUS-MOODY CONFLICT, COLSON—Dr. James Dobson gave a report to Focus on the Family leaders May 23 concerning the resolution of a conflict with Moody Bible Institute which had threatened the loss of 100 stations or more. The problem involved Dobson's right to speak to moral concerns with intensity and outrage, lobbying, etc. MBI insisted that Focus not deal with public policy issues that were not directly rooted in Scripture (school choice, homosexuals in the military, etc.). In a meeting with MBI Pres. Joe Stowell, it was agreed that minor editing might be done, and that Dobson, on certain Focus programs would draw a distinction between the Bible speaking and Dobson speaking. Dobson also reported that the Focus Board said the Lord appears to have ordained two people at this time to speak to the issue of righteousness--Dobson and Chuck Colson--and urged Dobson to work with Colson in rallies, etc. Dobson talked with Colson [pro-Catholic] about possibly doing rallies next year in stadiums (or wherever) and said Colson was very excited about that.

FOCUS INVITES NEW AGE GROUP TO MEETING?—In a May 13 letter Focus on the Family's H.B. London said: "As Vice President in charge of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Ministries, I have the privilege of inviting you and one other person, or two designated representatives from The Liberal Catholic Church, to join us here in Colorado Springs....[for a] Christian Leaders Briefing here at Focus headquarters on Aug. 26-27....to talk about the situation [attacks on marriage/ family/values]. We would be honored to have you take part...." Per The New Encyclopedia Britannica: "The Liberal Catholic Church [a sect] combines theosophy, Roman Catholic sacraments, and freedom of beliefs and interpretation." Britannica says the LCC denies the uniqueness of Christ, and from the beginning (1916) held theosophical (Oriental-Western mystical) views.

IBFNA RESOLUTION ON EXTRAMARITAL UNIONS—Homosexuality is condemned by God, both in the Old and New Testaments (Lev. 18:22, Rom. 1:27). The divine design for marriage has been one man and one woman, for life, since the time of Adam and Eve. The NT teaches that it is the duty of man, as head of his household, to provide for his family....Governments are beginning to recognize "domestic partnerships" as equal to marriage, and/or are considering legislation that would legally sanction same-sex unions and provide these unions, as well as unmarried couples, with all the benefits previously limited to heterosexual marriages. The IBFNA opposes legalization of such unions, and condemns actions that sanction homosexual practices...[Adapted]

GARBC SENDS MIXED SIGNALS ON PROMISE KEEPERS—The General Association of Regular Baptists is sending confusing signals on Promise Keepers. On the one hand GARBC-outgoing Interim National Rep Mark Jackson in his final column in the 6/96 Baptist Bulletin called Promise Keepers's Chicago rally "openly ecumenical," and said: [I]t is hard to understand how so many of our Regular Baptist men are unwittingly involved." Commendable remarks, but note what the 5/10 Muskegon (Mich.) Chronicle said about Dr. Bill Rudd's Calvary Baptist Church and associate pastor Rev. Eric Strattan: "Stratton traveled with two bus loads of men sponsored by Calvary Baptist Church last year to attend the Promise Keepers rally in the [Pontiac, Mich.] Silverdome." He called it an "awesome experience." Calvary Baptist Church was expected to sponsor "three bus loads to the Silverdome" for the May '96 Promise Keepers rally. Rudd is the new chairman of the GARBC's Council of Eighteen!

IFCA'S GREGORY HITS PK'S 'INTEGRITY' HYPOCRISY—Dr. Richard Gregory, national executive director of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America, recently asked a Promise Keepers leader, "Is Promise Keepers going to use practicing Roman Catholic priests as speakers in upcoming meetings?" [6/96 Voice]. The PK leader said this was under consideration, but "Any speaker we use will have to sign our statement of core beliefs." The "core beliefs" now include sola fide ("by faith alone"), so Gregory raised the question of "integrity" (a main PK stress). He said a "practicing Roman Catholic priest that has broken his ordination vow by accepting sola fide cannot be an example of a 'promise keeper.'" He said "integrity is the issue." We sometimes warn of IFCA's "compromises," but now gladly praise this stance against the PK.

THE 'CRIME' OF SEPARATION—"Lord Maitreya," through his New Age channeler says: "The crime of separation must be driven from this earth. I affirm this as my purpose." [6/96 Chr.Cons.] In the evangelical realm, Promise Keepers is helping drive the "crime of separation" from the earth by "breaking down the walls" between denominations. Billy Graham and other ecumenicals have for many years made significant contributions to this colossal compromise. New Agers say it's ok to believe in ANY god or in ANYTHING, just don't claim that YOUR god or belief is EXCLUSIVE. But my God IS exclusive! [John 14:6, e.g.]. Ecumenical evangelicals have long been adept at ignoring the "divisive" doctrine of biblical separation (see 10/15 CC).

NEW BOOKLET WARNS OF NEW EVANGELICALISM—Pastor Carlton Helgerson was involved in the early development of the NAE, but long ago came out. He has revised/re-issued his excellent booklet, The Challenge of a New Religion: Neo-Evangelicalism. He says that more is said on the Biblical doctrine of separation in the Bible than on salvation. "God's Word clearly teaches separation from alien religions, from idolatry, and from apostasy. Furthermore, it teaches that true believers separate themselves from professing believers who are disobedient. However, this new religion, calling itself evangelical, not only ignores the doctrine but treats with scorn those who adhere to it. Neo-evangelicalism finds a most happy relationship with infidels. This is seen in its ecumenical evangelistic campaigns when it parades known liberals on its platform to emphasize sodality with unbelievers." Get this 32-page booklet: Church of the Open Bible, Winn & Wyman Sts., Burlington, MA 01803, $2+S&H.

GRAHAM CRUSADE & ROCK CONCERT DRAWS 95,000—Sixty denominations representing 1,075 churches assisted with the June Billy Graham Crusade in the Minneapolis Metrodome, including 119 Catholic parishes and 269 Lutheran congregations. (7/15 Chr. Today). Directors said there was a new receptivity, more openness, and more ecumenical spirit. Music was cited as the driving force for youth. Musicians are usually billed as "special guests," but publicity for "Youth Night" advertised it as a DC Talk/Michael W. Smith concert "with Billy Graham." [Note that "the tail now wags the dog!"] A counselor said, "It's a lot easier to invite someone to a concert than to a sermon." Rock star Amy Grant provided music for the Crusade's final night.

FBF RESOLUTION ON SEPARATIST FUNDAMENTALISM—"....As Separatist Fundamentalists we believe that separation...from apostates and disobedient brothers, is essential to the preservation of God's truth. On the basis of our separatist commitment, we believe it is necessary to limit the scope of our fellowship in ministry to those men, churches, and ministries which likewise agree with and practice separation from those who deny the fundamental doctrines of the Faith and from those who deny the doctrine of separation from disobedient believers."

FBF RESOLUTION ON VAN IMPE—The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship continues to look with amazement at Jack Van Impe's exaltation of the Pope and calls upon fundamental pastors to alert their people to the dangers of his ministry. For many years Van Impe practiced a strong stance on biblical separation, but in recent years he has moved to a non-separatist and New Evangelical position rather than a scriptural position on separation. Van Impe's radical change reinforces the scriptural teaching that in the latter times men give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (I Tim. 4:1).

EPISCOPALIAN EMBEZZLER'S PSYCHOBABBLE DEFENSE—Former Episcopal Church treasurer Ellen Cooke admitted in court last Jan. that she embezzled over $1.5 million while in office but said the theft was due to a mental illness, perhaps a bipolar mood disorder (3/1 CC). But last month federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry (Donald Trump's sister) ripped Cooke's defense and sentenced her to the max.(7/27 World). Judge Barry criticized Cooke's "refusal to accept responsibility...blaming everyone and everything, and relying on spurious psychiatric defenses."

SBC PASTORS' WIVES GIVE AWARD TO CBF LEADER—Carolyn Weatherford Crumpler--former executive director of the Southern Baptist Woman's Missionary Union, and recent moderator of the moderate/liberal Cooperative Baptist Fellowship--received the Mrs. J.M. Dawson Distinguished Service Award for the Outstanding Minister's Wife at the recent SBC Ministers' Wives meeting in New Orleans (7/2 I.Bapt.). This was a shocker, since she only became a pastor's wife in 1989. One wife said Crumpler's short tenure as a pastor's wife was not worthy of the award, and said it was inappropriate for the leader of a competing missionary funding group to be honored for denominational service within the SBC.

CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE is published by Lynn & Sarah Leslie. The 60-page June issue had articles on dangerous UN treaty/conference, New Age movement, in-depth report on a DC Talk "Christian" rock concert, & much more. Write: Iowa Research Group, Inc., P.O. Box 17346, Des Moines, IA 50317.

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