VOL. XIII  NO. 16   NEWS & VIEWS, NOTES & QUOTES, TO WARN & INFORM   August 15, 1996

MORMONISM IS A CULT, NOT CHRISTIAN—Mormons do not believe in the same God or Jesus as biblical Christians do. The Jesus of Mormonism is not God but only a god--a created being who had to be baptized in order to return to heaven. (5-6/96 Evangel). Official Mormon scripture still says all Christian churches are wrong and that the Mormon Church is the only true church.

FCA DENIES AWARD TO MORMON MEMBER—Fellowship of Christian Athletes leaders range from Roman Catholic to liberal Protestant, and to new evangelicals and charismatics. The May-June Evangel commends the FCA for denying the Athlete of the Year Award to a Mormon FCA member. But, why did it allow a Mormon cult member to even be a MEMBER of a "Christian fellowship"?

RACISM: 'CONFESSION BY PROXY', 'REPARATIONAL RECONCILIATION'— Promise Keepers' New Man magazine says we must "Repent for [our] own and America's racist sins of the past." CCM singer Steve Green (Brazil, 1993) "repented" and asked forgiveness on behalf of America's Christians for the sins of the American church. Denominations pass resolutions right and left for sins of forefathers, etc. Those who have wronged others on account of race do need to ask forgiveness of those whom they wronged or vented hatred toward. But two wrongs don't make a right. Some have no duty to make restitution for sins of others in the past. Where in the Bible are we commanded to ask forgiveness for sins we didn't commit? It becomes absurd: "Why stop with whites...Why not have men ask forgiveness of women on behalf of all men? Or three tall men ask forgiveness from all short guys?...Where does it stop?...[Beyond Promises book - see 7/15 CC]. It is sinful to hate, but these proxy apologies do more harm than good.

UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD—This treaty was endorsed earlier this year by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright, as directed by Pres. Clinton. Beverly LaHaye's July letter said: "This international one-world-view treaty destroys the authority of American parents. It mandates massive government intrusion into the way parents choose to run their homes. This treaty gives the UN the authority to dictate how children should be raised and what parents can and cannot do...."

JEWS FOR JESUS HAS NEW LEADER—Jews for Jesus founder Moishe Rosen stepped aside in May as executive director (8/96 Charisma). His successor is David Brickner, a graduate of Fuller and Moody. Jews for Jesus groups appear in liberal denom, charismatic, and new-evangelical pulpits.

NEA STILL FUNDS PORN—The National Endowment for the Arts reportedly is to be phased out in a couple of years, but its budget for next year is about the same as for this year. (8/5 New Am.). The NEA recently funded a film glorifying black lesbianism, and an exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum which depicts Old Glory in a toilet.

FEW CHURCH FIRES THE RESULT OF RACISM—A review of six years of data by The Associated Press found arsons are up at both black and white churches but with only random links to racism. (7/5 H.Times). There is no evidence that most of the 73 black church fires since 1995 can be blamed on a conspiracy or general climate of racial hatred. In fewer than 20 cases, racism is the clear motivation. Arson of any kind is despicable, especially of churches, regardless of the racial composition of their congregations.

NEW LIVING TRANSLATION—The Living Bible has sold over 40 million copies, and was promoted by such "evangelicals" as Graham, Falwell, Swindoll, Colson, Bright, and Wyrtzen. This unreliable paraphrase has now been revised by 90 ecumenical "scholars" and is called the New Living Translation (NLT). A reviewer (Terence D. McLean) in the 7/22 Christian News says the NLT is "gender inclusive" and "doctrinally wrong."

2000 A JUBILEE YEAR IN ROME—Pope John Paul II has declared 2000 a Jubilee Year, and Rome is scrambling for an expected invasion of visitors. Over 50,000 people joined in a candlelight procession through Rome in late June to inaugurate the Vatican's countdown to 2000 (6/29 HT). The Pope plans to speak by radio or television to 5 billion people of the world during the Jubilee celebration of Jesus' 2000 birthday (6/96 Chr.Cons.). Jay Gary, the "Millennium Doctor" is also planning "mega" events for 2000.

UNITED RELIGIONS AND FUNDAMENTALISM—A United Religions Summit ended June 28 in San Francisco, having completed preliminaries for a charter-writing conference in 1997. The Pope, Episcopal Bishop William Swing, Robert Muller, Jay Gary, WCC-chief Konrad Raiser and various New Agers are "dreaming and scheming" for a global, interfaith "United Religions." Muller said fundamentalism, resting on inflexible belief systems tends to play an incendiary role. (7/8 CN). Swing said it is a challenge to peace.

CARDINAL SUENENS DIES AT 91—Belgian Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens died May 6. He advocated dialogue with Protestants, encouraged Roman Catholic leaders to accept charismatics, and was a key figure in implementing Vatican II reforms.

GARBC LEADER WARNS OF BILL GOTHARD—Outgoing GARBC National Rep Dr. Mark Jackson, in his farewell column in the 7/96 Baptist Bulletin, listed areas where a stand is needed: "Bill Gothard--and the developing cultic attitude among some of his followers, as some church members exhibit a deeper loyalty to Gothard than to their local church." Gothard shared "what he believed was a prophetic directive" at a Bill Bright 12/94 gathering of charismatics, liberals and new evangelicals in Orlando. (See 3/15/95 CC). California pastor John C. Mincy says Gothard has Catholics on his local sponsoring committees and as workers at his seminars. He recently confirmed this by phone with a Gothard regional director's office.

BIBLICAL SEMINARY'S ROLE IN JOHN GUEST CRUSADE—John Guest is scheduled to conduct a HOPE '96 ecumenical evangelism 10-day series of meetings near Philadelphia in October. Over 100 churches (including charismatic, liberal, new evangelical, and at least one Catholic) are participating and planning for this event. Biblical Theological Seminary (Hatfield, PA) Pres. Dr. David Dunbar and an American Baptist Church pastor are on the Board of Directors. Biblical is also donating office rental, and its Thomas Skinner is on the HOPE '96 Executive Committee (Finance). British-native Guest has worked with Billy Graham and Luis Palau crusades. He became rector of St. Stephens Episcopal Church near Pittsburgh in 1971, and has been an NAE board member. Some HOPE '96 pre-conference events are being held in NCC-related denomination churches. The budget lists $27,150 as a "JohnGuest Tithe"--15% of the HOPE '96 direct costs.

ERROR-DENOUNCING MINISTRY UNPOPULAR—"Jeremiah is often called the Weeping Prophet. That name is easy to understand when we realize that God sent him to minister to God's people at a time when they were thoroughly entangled in apostasy. Jeremiah was not to comfort them in apostasy but to rescue them from it. That avenue of ministry tends to make one unpopular, especially with the apostates." (James Talbert, Frontline). We might add that a "warning and informing" ministry is also unpopular with compromisers in our day who fraternize and fellowship with apostate enemies of God.

CRISWELL COLLEGE PRESIDENT RESIGNS—Criswell College (Dallas) president Richard Melick has resigned after disagreeing with W. A. Criswell concerning the Rapture (7/16 Ind.Bap.). Melick is "post-trib" and Criswell is "pre-trib." Melick is a consulting editor for the New American Commentary series being produced by the [Southern] Baptist Sunday School Board, and was the author of the first volume of this series.

CHRISTIAN NEWS SAYS 'DON'T WASTE TIME WITH PK'—The 6/10 Christian News said of Promise Keepers: "Christians should not support an organization controlled by charismatics and pentecostals and which proclaims a message Roman Catholic and Mormon leaders have found acceptable because those who attend PK rallies are not encouraged to join a Bible-believing church. They are urged to support their pastor regardless of what he preaches, even if he rejects such doctrines as the Trinity and justification by faith alone in the merits of Christ."

CORRECTION ON 7/1 TEMPLETON ARTICLE—In quoting Dave Hunt, we failed to make it clear that Colson, Bright and Graham did NOT use the occasion of the Templeton Prize to proclaim the gospel.

FULLER SEMINARY GOING CHARISMATIC—Fuller Theological Seminary hosted a World Council of Churches meeting last December (see 3/15 CC). Former Fuller president David Allan Hubbard died last June. The son of Pentecostal ministers, he "worked to integrate the insights and practices of charismatics into a solid evangelical perspective." (7/15 Chr.Today). Fuller in 1972 dropped the biblical inerrancy phrase from its Statement of Faith. The May-June Foundation says Fuller is now pushing charismatic teachings (healing, deliverance) and has become "a headquarters for indoctrinating students in ecumenism, psychology and charismatic heresies."

CEF LEADERSHIP CHARISMATIC?—Child Evangelism Fellowship in the U.S. was invaded and taken over by Pentecostals several years ago. In 1988 there was a major split, with 22 CEF chapters leaving and calling themselves Child Evangelism Fellowship Conservative. Upon objections of CEF, the new group changed its name to Child Evangelism Ministries, and in 1991 to Gospel Ministries to Children...The conservatives believed in the Security of the Believer, and the CEF leadership did not. The conservatives were against the Charismatic movement, but CEF leadership was Charismatic. The conservatives believed that their workers should be members of local churches, and the leadership did not. The conservatives held to salvation by faith, while the leadership had shifted to lordship salvation. The conservatives opposed ties with the National Council of Churches and Billy Graham. [From Sedition in Missions, Michael McCubbins]

WCC FINANCIAL CRISIS, CATHOLICISM—World Council of Churches general secretary Konrad Raiser says the WCC is facing severe financial difficulties, and only drastic action can end the crisis (7/22 Chr. News). American Council of Christian Churches executive secretary Dr. Ralph Colas attended the recent meeting of the American branch of the WCC, and said the WCC's fund shortage results from the fact that only 156 of its 330 member denominations gave financial support to the liberal WCC. There is a feverish attempt to bring Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Roman Catholics into the WCC's fold. Catholics do participate with the WCC on certain levels, such as the Faith and Order Commission. A WCC official said that "while the Roman Catholic Church is not yet a member of the WCC, at least half of the 110 national councils of churches around the world include Roman Catholics as full members." Get Dr. Colas's in-depth report from the ACCC at: P.O. Box 19, Wallingford, PA 19086. Send offering.

PAUL CEDAR EXITS EFCA FOR MISSION AMERICA—Mission America is an ambitious strategy for evangelizing the entire U.S. by the year 2000. About 100 denominations and para-church ministries have joined the effort. (7/96 Charisma). Evangelical Free Church of America president Paul Cedar is retiring from the EFCA presidency and is heading up this ecumenical undertaking. He has been a frequent speaker at Billy Graham Schools of Evangelism, and, in 1992, succeeded Leighton Ford as chairman of an ecumenical Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.

CALVARY BIBLE COLLEGE HAS NEW LEADER—Calvary Bible College/Seminary (Kansas City) has called Dr. James Anderson as its President. His doctor of theology degree is from Southwestern Seminary (SBC). He has taught at several colleges/ seminaries, including BBC-Springfield and Tennessee Temple. He has made 50 trips to Israel.

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