Calvary contender logo

Ala.Bapt. Alabama Baptist (SBC)
BB Baptist Bulletin (GARBC)
BC Baptist Challenge (M.L. Moser)
BDM Biblical Discernment Ministries, The BDM Letter (Rick Miesel)
BE Biblical Evangelist (Robert Sumner)
BFT Bible For Today NewsReport (Donald Waite)
CC Calvary Contender (Jerry Huffman)
CIB Christian Info. Bureau Bulletin (now TBC, The Berean Call - Dave Hunt)
CN Christian News (Herman Otten)
CT Christianity Today (Multiple N-E Editors)
CVN Christian View of the News (Norman Pyle)
EM Evangelical Methodist
FD Fundamentalist Digest (Don Jasmin)
Found. Foundation (Dennis Costello)
FOTF Focus on the Family (James Dobson)
HT Huntsville (Ala.) Times
IB Indiana Baptist (Southern Baptist)
MBW Maranatha Baptist Watchman (Allen Dickerson)
MM Moody Monthly
NLJ National Liberty Journal (Jerry Falwell)
NA New American (John Birch Society)
O Tim. O Timothy (David Cloud)
OBF Ohio Bible Fellowship Visitor 
PBC Plains Baptist Challenger (E. L. Bynum)
Proj. The Projector (Dayton Hobbs)
PT Perilous Times (Raymond Blanton)
Sword Sword of the Lord (Shelton Smith)
USN&WR U.S. News & World Report
VW Voice in the Wilderness (J. Royce Thomason)
VITW Voice in the Wilderness (J. Royce Thomason)
WITW What In The World! (Bob Jones University)

*NOTE: We give a longer abbreviation when space permits. We also quote from Charisma, Frontline (FBF), Voice (IFCA), and World, but do not abbreviate these.

ABC American Baptist Churches
ABWE Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
ACCC American Council of Christian Churches
BBF Baptist Bible Fellowship
BJU Bob Jones University
BWA Baptist World Alliance
CBA Conservative Baptist Association
EFMA Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies
FBF Fundamental Baptist Fellowship
FGBMFI Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship, Int'l
GARBC General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
IBFNA Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America
ICCC International Council of Christian Churches
IFCA IFCA, International
IFMA Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association
IVCF InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
LU Liberty University (Jerry Falwell)
NAE National Association of Evangelicals
NCC National Council of Churches
NE New Evangelicalism 
NRB National Religious Broadcasters
PK Promise Keepers
SBC Southern Baptist Convention
SBF Southwide Baptist Fellowship
TBN Trinity Broadcasting Network
TEDS Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
TTU Tennessee Temple University
WCBC World Council of Biblical Churches
WCC World Council of Churches
YFC Youth For Christ

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